“PROJECT MAYDAY” is a comprehensive study of mayday responses, incidents and prevention.
Originally funded by a private foundation grant for one year to CERT(Command Emergency Response Training), Don and Bev Abbott,Glendale, Arizona.
The project will provide information into the cause and response to “mayday” activities. This project will research each identified “mayday” submitted into three components through the use of surveys/responses. The original grant project was completed in December 2015. CERT has decided to continue the funding for the project because of the information provided in its first year.
Participation in this project is voluntary and confidential, department and individual names are not released or used in this project without their written permission from the Chief of the Department.
A message from Don and Bev (Mar 2022)
Survey profiling the fire department (organization, number of stations, apparatus, personnel, run numbers, SOP’s, training and any other related information.
Upon completion of Component 1, Component 2 will be sent that deals with the actual “mayday.” It request tactical worksheets, IAP, size-up information, statements and reports. We also request the audio radio traffic, dash cam or other video footage.
Upon completion of Component 2, Component 3 is sent requesting the fire department’s handling of the post action response, critique, follow-up training, etc.
“Project Mayday” has accumulated 1,107 audio radio traffic reports, 121 dash/video tapes, confirming almost all of our information and data.
We hope that the “Mayday Project” will be the most complete informational analysis on “maydays” ever conducted. With proven recommendation on communications, command/operations, response, rescue, training and follow-up.
Only participates in “Project Mayday” will receive a copy of the annual report, all other interested parties can receive a general report.
Submit a Mayday

If you wish to submit a "MAYDAY", please fill out the form below.
If you wish to view the 2021 Annual "Project Mayday" General Report, click on either the CAREER or VOLUNTER reports below.
Mayday Video Resources